7čt Jan 2022
Maintenance Notification for Hosting Server Migration
Dear all,
As a continuation of our multi-phased upgrade initiative, we will be executing a planned upgrade to our current hosting infrastructure.
The upgrade will enable us to provide new and exciting hosting products and features to you in the upcoming months.
On Saturday, 8 January, 2022 at 12:00 am we will be migrating hosting to a ...
21st. Srpen 2021
Final Reminder of Upcoming Server Upgrade
Dear Clients,
As many of you already know, We will do server upgrade for Student/Sifu servers on Saturday (August 21st) from 00:00 AM EST. The expected interruption of service will be anywhere between 6 and 24 hours.
For updates on the migration process, you can monitor our server status page: https://status.mudahhosting.com
Thank you for your ...
17čt Srpen 2021
Mainenance Notice
Dear Clients,We will do server upgrade for Student/Sifu servers on Saturday (August 21st) from 00:00 AM EST. The expected interruption of service will be anywhere between 6 and 24 hours.
For updates on the migration process, you can monitor our server status page: https://status.mudahhosting.com
Thank you for your understanding in this ...
28čt Květen 2021
Schedule Maintenance
We are scheduling a maintenance window to add more resources to the Magnesium server.
This will increase our server's capacity to provide better performance and allow us to handle future growths.
The maintenance window is scheduled for the following date and time:-
Date: 29th May 2021
Time: 11.30 PM - 2.00 AM, Singapore Time (GMT ...