22re Des 2020
Avoid using other Cache Optimization plugins other than LiteSpeed Cache
To all user,
As Our server is powered by LiteSpeed Cache, its highly advised to not using any Wordpress cache optimization plugins because the setup will using up a huge amount of resource usage and causing considerable issues to your account such as
WP Fastest CacheWP OptimizeW3 Total Cache
Do note that if you insist on using these plugins ...
20de Des 2020
Our Terms of Service (TOS)
Where the content states: "We" includes MudahHosting.com or any party acting on MudahHosting's implicit instructions. "You", "Client" or "Reseller" includes the person purchasing the services and/or any party acting on the customer's instructions. "Member" includes the purchaser of services and/or any party acting on the purchaser's instructions. ...
14de november 2020
Thank you for choosing Mudah Hosting!
Welcome to Mudah Hosting! You have made a great choice and we want to help you get up and running as quickly as possible.
If at any point you get stuck, our support team is available 24x7 to assist you. Simply visit billing.mudahhosting.com/contact.php to request assistance.